Tag: Laura Beauchamp
Explore Siem Reap, Cambodia (Video)
This is a mixture of video clips and photographs taken during our trip to Siem Reap, Cambodia in August 2010. The creation of the video and the footage was taken by Laura Beauchamp. The featured photographs were taken by Chris Beauchamp. The video was made using iMovie. Laura was feeling cheesy when she made it…
Laura’s Belly Dance Show in Grande Prairie
Here are some still photographs for you to enjoy of the belly dance I performed with my class at a festival here in Grande Prairie. Below this post you can watch a video of our dance. Enjoy.
Belly Dance in Grande Prairie
On Sunday, November 21, 2010, I performed belly dance in public for the very first time. My friend Marcia and I signed up to take a belly dance class together here in Grande Prairie from Oksana at Moondance Shimmy. The class started in September. We met every Tuesday for 1-hour and our teacher taught us…