Some complementary photos


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After reading Laura’s account of our first day in London, I thought I’d put up a few of my favourite shots from the day to complement her narrative.

This skater and his buddies were shooting some film footage near London Bridge.
The imposing facade of St. Paul's Cathedral, completed in 1711. It was the work of Sir Christopher Wren, London's most famous architect.
This is the inside of the London Monument (see Laura's post below). The Monument is also the work of Wren.
Another shot, this time looking up from the very bottom.
Laura at the top of the Monument.
The two hardest-earned pints in the city.


2 responses to “Some complementary photos”

  1. We would love to see some of your accommodations as well ! Love Kelli

    1. Hey Kel (and family),

      We have actually only stayed in two hostels so far, as we have only stopped in London and Istanbul to date, so there just isn’t that much to tell yet. We will be posting about life on the road in general (with lots of pics of accomodations) when we have a bit more to show and say. Miss you guys!

      Love Uncle Chris and Auntie Laura

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