Mosques of Esfahan



We both thoroughly enjoyed Esfahan so we stayed for six days. We visited the sites and met many people along the way. In fact, out of all the places in Iran, Esfahan was the most approachable. It was almost impossible for us to walk 100 feet without meeting someone.

The mosques in Esfahan and in Iran in general, are absolutely beautiful pieces of architecture. Hopefully these photos captured some of that beauty for you to enjoy.

The main mosque in the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Naghsh-e Jahan Square
One of the polo markers in the World Heritage Site, Naghsh-e Jahan Square.
Inside the main mosque in Naghsh-e Jahan square.
Inside the main mosque in Naghsh-e Jahan square.
Inside the main mosque in Naghsh-e Jahan square.
While walking down the street I noticed this fantastic detail in the doorway of a mosque that was squished between shops.
The entrance of Jameh mosque. You may have noticed that the mosques in Iran are very blue. This is because muslims believe blue to be a very calming colour which allows one to relax and focus on prayer.
Some detail of the fabulous mosaic work in the Jameh mosque.
A banner hanging in the entrance hallway of Jameh mosque.
Jameh mosque in Esfahan. It is the largest mosque in all of Iran.
One of the ornate ceilings in the Jameh mosque in Esfahan.


2 responses to “Mosques of Esfahan”

  1. you are a lucky couple which visited most part of middle east and north Africa.
    I probably appreciate you and I’d like to travel many places to get many experiences and see new world ,cultures,people,and customs.
    that fantastic.
    I’m Kurdish and I was happy when you visited diar bakr in south turkey.i would like to invite you to north of Iraq-Kurdistan.
    at the moment I’m a post graduated student in the UK in landscape design.
    again have a good luck .
    best regards

    1. Thanks Omed. Maybe one day we can take you up on that.

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