Safe and Sound in Santiago





We just wanted to let anyone checking in know that we are safely in Santiago. The sun is warm. The beer is cold. And we are waiting on dinner offered at our hostel (Casa la Roja in Barrio Brazil) from Ali, a friendly Turkish chef we met earlier today. He’s cooking kefta (Turkish meatballs) and some other Turkish salads for 4000 Chilean pesos (about $8 a plate). Funny we came all the way to Chile to eat Turkish food from a traveling chef, but hey.

Tomorrow we’ll get out and explore the city. Drop us a comment to let us know who’s following along. Talk to ya later.

Chris + Laura

p.s. Laura thought the post needed more flavour so she ran over and shot this cool picture of Ali.


p.p.s. – we shot, edited and wrote this post from an iPad. Technology’s come a long way since 2010, when we were lugging SLRs and an 8 pound laptop around. More on that soon.


18 responses to “Safe and Sound in Santiago”

  1. Kyle and Nells Avatar
    Kyle and Nells

    Following and getting lost in the beauty! Xoxo

  2. Maria Ebinu Avatar
    Maria Ebinu

    Looking great, have fun guys. i will be stalker #2 after Cris:)

    1. Thanks Maria. There are no number twos. You’re just as much a stalker as Cris, which is to say, not really one at all.

      Unless you are…

  3. You look great…relaxed and ready for your next adventure. Will follow you and love every minute. Stay safe.


    1. Thanks Mom. We love you too. Sitting in a wine bar right now listening to a piano player, and I thought of you because I know how much you would enjoy it. Love you to bits. Say hi to Dad. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Christine Avatar

    Glad you guys made it safe and sound! I look forward to following your travels again!! Keep safe and have a cold one for me ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. We’ve had several cold ones for you already. Mostly Chardonays. We’ll stay on the lookout for Bio Bio. In the meantime, we’re pretty open to more recommendations from our only sommelier friend…

  5. Phil Bell Avatar
    Phil Bell

    Woooohooo!!! Welcome to Gondwana my dear boreal friends!
    Can’t wait to hear and see more.
    Travel safe and lap it up!!

    1. The Southern hemisphere is actually pretty good. We thought the constellations would be wholly unique. Turns out you guys have Orion too. LAME!

      No, seriously though, thanks for the welcome. We’re loving Gondwana and missing you two. Now go have a baby. And name it Chris. Or Laura. Depending.

  6. Cristina D'Alessandro Avatar
    Cristina D’Alessandro

    Hey Guys!!! So sorry we didn’t get to chat before you left, i have horrible reception at my parents house, the phone didn’t even ring, grrr. Glad you arrived safely, you both look so happy to be traveling. Wishing you a memorable, exhilarating, relaxing and all the other adjectives to describe a perfect vacation. Much love, miss you both, Cris xox ps. i should be zappa’s cat sitter the next time you take off somewhere.pps. nom nom turkish meatballs, great pik camel!! xox

    1. Ti amo Cris! Zappa wrote me an e-mail and he told me that he’d like you to house sit him all next winter. See you then. Love you. Talk to you later. Muah.


  7. Chris PederseN Avatar
    Chris PederseN


    Can’t wait to see your pictures. I hauled a Fuju X-E1 and an iPad around Europe and loved the lightweight kit. Made taking pictures much more enjoyable. Have a great trip.

    1. At first I wondered if this sticky was real. Now I know it is ๐Ÿ™‚ Glad to hear you arrived safely. If you happen to run into Paulo Coehlo say hi.

      1. Oh, it’s real alright. Damn real.

      2. Also, Paulo says hi.

    2. Thanks Chris. We’re loving the light weight. Still figuring out how to balance quality and ease. But overall very happy with the Fuji x100s.

  8. Glad you made it! Enjoy your time, I’ll be stalking your blog for pics and news.

    1. Thanks Boss!

      It’s not stalking, ’cause it’s a public blog. So stalk away, stalker.

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