We just wanted to let anyone checking in know that we are safely in Santiago. The sun is warm. The beer is cold. And we are waiting on dinner offered at our hostel (Casa la Roja in Barrio Brazil) from Ali, a friendly Turkish chef we met earlier today. He’s cooking kefta (Turkish meatballs) and some other Turkish salads for 4000 Chilean pesos (about $8 a plate). Funny we came all the way to Chile to eat Turkish food from a traveling chef, but hey.
Tomorrow we’ll get out and explore the city. Drop us a comment to let us know who’s following along. Talk to ya later.
Chris + Laura
p.s. Laura thought the post needed more flavour so she ran over and shot this cool picture of Ali.
p.p.s. – we shot, edited and wrote this post from an iPad. Technology’s come a long way since 2010, when we were lugging SLRs and an 8 pound laptop around. More on that soon.
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