Category: Canada

  • Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada

    Today is our last day in the North. Around lunch time (in about 3 hours), we’ll be taking a bus to a place called Dawson Creek, where we’ll catch another one to Kamloops, B.C. This’ll be the longest Greyhound ride of our Canadian leg, and all told we’ll be in Greyhound’s nasty clutches for about…

  • Eyeball twitch

    Eyeball twitch

    Chris and I had a good visit with friends and my family in Edmonton. We saw Avatar in the IMAX theatre. It was entertaining and imaginative. Besides that, we sat around eating, drinking,watching T.V. and chatting. It’s been a good trip so far, without any mishaps. Surprisingly it’s not entirely stress free. I think the…

  • Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

    Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

    Ahhhh, Edmonton in the wintertime. Luckily we had some good friends and family to soften the blow of -30 degree temperatures. Yup. Seems like we covered most of our bases in Alberta’s capital city. We’re now about 5 hours north, in a place I tend to think of as the other armpit of Alberta (second…

  • Itinerary update

    Hey all, For those interested, I thought I’d throw up a quick update of our latest travel plans (sure to change again). We’re reconsidering going to Iran given the current escalation of anti-government sentiment in the past couple of weeks. We’ll see how stable things are when we get closer to the Turkey/Iran border, as…

  • Photo Update!

    Photo Update!

    It’s been a long week since Christmas. We are both pretty much dead tired, but at least our move is over. Our cat Zappa is in his new home, and we are heading north on the Red Arrow bus to Edmonton. This actually marks us finally leaving Calgary behind. On the morning of New Years’…

  • What a girl wants, what a girl needs…

    What a girl wants, what a girl needs…

    I like pretty dresses, with matching purses and shoes. I like to blow dry my hair every morning and sometime give it curls. Fresh ground coffee beans are a great way to start the day or perhaps a home made espresso on the stove, brewing away. In the winter time, colour coordinated scarves, mittens and toques are a must.…

  • Packing up our life (and our bags)

    Laura and I are up to our eyes in boxes and tubs, ruthlessly reducing our belongings through online sales and the ever-growing Goodwill pile. Our house is in shambles, Zappa (our cat) is freaked out, but we’re making progress. We’ll be out of here in a  couple of days, and officially homeless. We’re already officially…

  • One bag, one world. Or something…

    One bag, one world. Or something…

    Business travelers are no strangers to the idea of bringing everything they need in a carry-on, and I have been privileged to interact with a lot of die hard business travelers in my current (but outgoing) job. These people are all about efficiency , and they know that it is asking for trouble to trust…