Happy St. Patrick’s Day! (and happy birthday to our friend Brianna, if she’s out there… somewhere)
We finally closed the doors and ripped out of our driveway at 12:00 noon Friday, March 16, 2012. We had planned to leave Grande Prairie on Thursday night to start our 3-week road trip adventure, however work and other obligations held us back.
We drove for 11 and a half hours only stopping twice to fill up the gas and once for dinner at 10:30pm in Lethbridge. Chris did all the driving! He’s a machine.
We thought we’d take a few photos to capture the first day of our trip. From deer, to cows to magnificant home made chocolate-chip cookies from our friend Erika, the road trip is off to a wonderful start.
Here’s what we spent to drive the 1,060 kilometers we drove yesterday.
Gas $28.86 (tank was half empty, we filled up in Valleyview, AB)
chips $4.99
2 sandwiches $12.58
2 coffees $3.38
2 pieces of chicken $4.38
tea $1.29
1 coffee & candy $3.00
Gas $53.67 (tank was completely empty. We filled up in Cochrane, AB)
Total: $111.95
On one tank of gas our Nissan Sentra 2002 drove 571 kilometers from Valleyview to Cochrane. The Comfort Inn in Shelby, Montana cost $90 US dollars. Okay, enough info for those of you who are considering driving accros Canada and the U.S., let’s look at some photos!
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